讲座通知(12月2日)-The Drivers of Malignant Brain Tumors

报告题目:The Drivers of Malignant Brain Tumors
报告人: Antonio Iavarone
Professor of Neurology and Pathology and Cell Biology (with Tenure) in the Institute for Cancer Genetics, Columbia University, New York
主持人:王前飞 研究员
时 间:2014年12月2日(星期二)上午10:00-11:30
地 点:中国科学院北京基因组研究所一楼报告厅
Introduction: Using integrated systems biology and experimental pipelines tailored towards the most significant and unbiased cancer gene sets Dr. Iavarone’s have undertaken the task of identifying master regulators of aggressiveness in distinct sub-groups of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). They have recently focused on assaying integrated systems approaches to de-convolute and target distinct sub-types of GBM. Specifically, mutations, copy number variation and genetic rearrangements analysis of TCGA derived data are identified, integrated and functionalized. This effort has already generated two landmark manuscripts, the first published in Nature in 2010 and reporting the transcriptional module for the mesenchymal subgroup of GBM and the second, published in Science, reporting the first example of recurrent, oncogenic and addicting gene fusions in GBM. A third manuscript reporting the integrated landscape of driver alterations in GBM has just been published in Nature Genetics. Following their work, several manuscripts have confirmed the occurrence of FGFR-TACC
fusions in pediatric and adult glioma and have established that other tumor types (NSCLC, head and neck cancer, bladder cancer) also harbor the same FGFR-TACC gene fusions initially reported by them in glioblastoma. The present proposal is the first integrated computational and experimental pipeline for the characterizing the evolution of GBM and to derived personalized therapeutic strategies.
