论文题目 发表年度
Functional validation of a constitutive autonomous silencer element 2015
Autoantibody profiling on human proteome microarray for biomarker discovery in cerebrospinal fluid and sera of neuropsychiatric lupus. PLoS One 2015
Metagenomic Profile of the Viral Communities in Rhipicephalus spp. Ticks from Yunnan, China 2015
The complete chloroplast genome provides insight into the evolution and polymorphism of Panax ginseng 2015
Cell Type-Specific Expression Profile and Signaling Requirements in Early Hematopoietic Reprogramming 2015
Bayesian inference of shared recombination hotspots between humans and chimpanzees..?Genetics,198. 2015
Evaluation of ancestral sequence reconstruction methods to infer nonstationary patterns of nucleotide substitution. 2015
Whole genome characterization of hepatitis B virus quasispecies with massively parallel pyrosequencing 2015
AlzBase: an integrative database for gene dysregulation in Alzheimer’s disease. 2015
Transcriptome-wide profiling of RNA N6-methyladenosine in rice callus and leaf reveals the presence of tissue-specific competitors involved in selectively modified genes 2015
"Programming and Inheritance of Parental DNA Methylomes in Vertebrates" 2015
siRNAs with decreased off-target effect facilitate the identification of essential genes in cancer cells 2015
Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 (IGFBP5) functions as a tumor suppressor in human melanoma cells 2015
XPD localizes in mitochondria and protects the mitochondrial genome from oxidative DNA damage 2015
Unique features of mutations revealed by sequentially reprogrammed induced pluripotent stem cells 2015
Characterization of the uncertainty of divergence time estimation under relaxed molecular clock models using multiple loci. 2015
GATA Family Members as Inducers for Cellular Reprogramming to Pluripotency 2015
Functional conservation of both CDS- and 3’UTR- located micro-RNA binding sites between species 2015
Proton NMR investigations on 6-alkylamino-2-alkylthioadenosine derivatives 2015
Whole genome characterization of hepatitis B virus quasispecies with massively parallel pyrosequencing 2015